Back to Louisville…

Again, though my work schedule was tight, we thought we should go to Louisville for 4th of July. I was hoping for a long engagement, so I could finish my bank project. And as you have already read, I was not ready to be married.

My roommate was also dating someone who appeared to be the right guy, but she broke it off, because it was the wrong time. (She worked for Univac and was similarly in a big project.) I had thought long and hard about a life with Bob and the complexities of religion and social differences. As I had never dated anyone seriously before, I doubted that I would find anyone else as steadfast and caring as he. The other guys I had been dating were very nice, but were not even close to someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Mom and Pops had already been planning. They had done one lovely wedding – my sister’s in July of 1962. At dinner, we began talking about dates. I was for a spring wedding after my project was complete. Bob’s reply was, but that is almost a year away! I fought for my choice, to no avail.

Then we talked about January. No good – it could snow, and many people would be coming from out of town.

Thanksgiving, Bob said. No – Eileen and Martin are getting married at Thanksgiving and I am a bridesmaid. (Eileen and I worked together.)

Well, we must find out when the High Holy Days are, because that is 2 weeks that are out. They were mid-October. So October is out.

Mom said “September 23” must be it and September weddings are good, and the weather is good. Mom and Pops were married on September 5, 1936. So much for a long engagement.

I said I wanted to get married on a 24th – 23 will drive me crazy. Besides, there is no way we can do a big wedding in 2 months. Mom was never deterred from a problem. “Of course we can”, she said. So, 3 of the 4 people were delighted. I just muttered…..I had no idea how I was going to manage my life and my work. But, like Mom, I knew that almost everything is manageable.

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